Wednesday, December 2, 2009

THE scariest most mind blowing dream i have ever EVER had. PERIOD.

HOLY FREAKING CRAP. I JUST woke up from the most insane horribly realistic dream ever. I hope no one else ever dreams anything like this. Seriously.

This dream was pretty long with other smaller dreams, if you will, filling in the whole story, which made it feel even more just like real life. Holy crap I am practically shaking and almost feel like crying.

I can't remember where everything started, but at some point something strange happened in the sky that pretty much everyone around noticed. I can't remember what that event was exactly, something like the whole sky was gradually getting a little darker from one end clear over to the other side. I said something like, "oh it must be aliens haha" then nothing happened and we all kind of forgot about it.

A couple days later - after I had experienced like 2 other stories/dreams - everyone was gathering for some huge fireworks. My family was at the top of some high bleachers that were just metal benches lined up on a hill but were were all a little spaced out. We were all sitting on the ends of our rows, but my parents and my brother were to my right and a row up with an isle between us and my sister was sitting behind me. A couple girls came and sat next to me. Either one of them or my sister pointed out this weird shooting star streaking across the sky. It would shoot and sparkle for about a second, then you wouldn't see it for about a half a second, then you would for another second and it kept going like that skipping along the sky and it lasted for at least 10 seconds. Everyone was noticing it and my sister sent a text to her friend, Maja, about it because she always misses shooting stars (or I least during the dream I thought that she does). We also saw a couple other normal-looking shooting stars at the same time this one was streaking across the sky.

So very soon after the star is gone the sky starts to look slightly funky again, its gradually looking lighter and there is this totally strange random object in the sky. It was probably about the size a blimp would look but it was more distant (being more distant it would have to actually be WAAAYYY bigger than a blimp) and less clearly seen. it almost looked like a tail of some sea creature or something. It was small and opaque-ish white. This object is slowwwly moving across the middle of the sky. As it comes close to being directly overhead I started worrying a little. I said something again about it being aliens but was only half joking this time. It slowed down as it came directly above us and lowered down vertically and thats when I started to feel like it really was some insanely huge alien spaceship or alien world that had come over/into ours. It wasn't like any alien movie I've ever seen. There was no flying saucer. It was like they were able to move their whole world, without any sort of vehicle, into our atmosphere without us even seeing them. But I sensed them.

The object I could tell was like the portal into their world or whatever. As it lowered down to about the height in the sky of where an airplane would fly, it looked like it was pulsating. It was sucking. But not everything went up. No buildings or cars or other objects. Only people. It was like we were all being "beamed up" at pretty much the same time. We'd get sucked up at slightly different intervals- one person would slowly start going up, then a second later someone else would. My parents were a little above me and they were spaced from each other a little too.

When I started getting sucked up it was the most mind blowing feeling ever. I had no control over it. I didnt even feel any fear of the height, only of what in the world was going to happen to us once we got to the portal. Were we being eaten? Slowly people started disappearing/dissolving (?) I could see my mom start to dissolve and was sad but I knew that soon it would be me too so if she was going somewhere I would be there soon too. If she was dying I would very soon too. I saw my little brother's arm below me. Maybe the rest of him had already dissolved. I was able to grab it and hold on to it, even though I couldn't really feel it. It was more like a hologram. But I just thought to myself, I love my family so much, how can this be happening to us? I remember praying and asking that we would all somehow be safe wherever we were going.

Just the feeling of how very very real this was, how completely strange this experienced was made this dream the most incredibly realistic and therefore scariest dream ever. I woke up and was so surprised that I was here. I could barely believe that it was only a dream, that I was here and that whole thing never actually happened. But here I was laying in my bed and outside it was dark, otherwise I might not believe it was only a dream.

1 comment:

  1. Wow erican, I'm amazed at the details that you were able to remember. When I have dreams they are usually really vivid at the time but when i wake up the things that I remember are in small,senseless chunks. What do you think inspired this dream? Are you sleeping on Libby's floor now?
