Wednesday, October 21, 2009

The broken-hearted creepo.

So a few nights ago I had another traysure of a dream. There was a man who was in love with me but i was NOT so much in love with him. woof. ps this was a real person i know. i am also definitely not in love with this person in real life.

He worked at this old really tall dimly lit and very grayish school building and for some reason I was in this building. He was hunting me down with a baseball bat but I was pretty tricky and eluded him quite well, which pissed him off more.

I guess he knew that I'm part Swedish and so everything in the building that reminded him of something Swedish he destroyed with his little bat. Apparently all the bathroom lights made him think of his Swedish ancestors. Those got attacked a lot.

I don't think he ever caught up with me and I'm pretty sure the dream just sorta ended, but I may have just forgot what happened. It's been a few days.

oh actually i think he killed some people, and then like the next day all the kids were talking about this horrible tragedy that happened at their school.

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