Saturday, February 26, 2011

spitting games

soo the other night i woke up to spit. yeah.

I had a dream that I was playing a little game on the tennis courts at the park in my hometown. There was a ball a little bigger than the size of a large grapefruit with clues on it and you had to try to read the clues but everyone else was trying to figure out the answer first too so they tried hitting the ball away from you whenever you got it. The answer to the clues turned out to be: cat and dog food from China. at the end of the game there was some sitting out as an example. But the dog food was a big bag. and for some reason my uncle Brandon decided to make me eat it. I mean, he poured the entire bag in my mouth. I got most of it out of my mouth just by pushing it out with my tongue, but that didn't get it all so I started spitting. yeahhh. so I woke up to spit on myself and my sheets. SO super. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

boys boys boys

ok i'm going to write about this one even though it's going to be out of order (since i dreamed it like a week-ish ago). Apparently I've had boys on my mind or something. I dreamed about four in one night.

Let's start with the shortest/most boring one (not that this person is boring in real life, theres just not much of a story here). I saw an old friend I haven't seen in years. He had fattened up quite a bit. Thats all I really remember, that I noticed he'd chunked up. hehe

Second, I dreamed that I was my little brother's basketball coach. He was about 6 or 7ish in this dream and freaking adorable. Man, he was a cute little chum.

Thirdly, I dreamed about a friend who's in most of my classes at school. I'd just been telling him the day before that I can fly in my dreams. So... in this dream we were in a gym or cafeteria at a school and were dancing and then started flying as we were dancing. it was real magical hahah

Lastly, but not leastly (believe me, I know that's not a word), right after the dancing I was sitting by another boy I know who is more of a friend-of-a-friend. We were chatting it up and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend for the day. He was like, 'ok yeah.' sooo... i had a boyfriend for the day i guess. score!

Wow that's probably the least descriptive i've ever been when writing about my dreams. Meh, whatevs.

my subconscious is clever

man i wish my conscious brain was as creative as my subconscious brain. Two nights ago i had this awesome dream where i was looking at the shape of my eyebrows and as I zoomed in the image of my eyebrow was made up of trees, and the surrounding area was an awesome landscape. I started exploring and discovered the most beautiful landscape scene I have ever seen. There was a field of tall bright colored flowers surrounded by thick tall grass and beyond the grass high, lean trees stretching up to the sky and a gorgeous green mountain behind all of that. wow I wish my description did it justice but it really can't. Of course I had my camera with me and started taking pictures. Too bad they aren't really on my camera right now. That would be sa-weet!

Then last night I had a dream (after some other weirder, shorter more random dreams) I was in a department store and found this really classy watch. I mean it's not like I've actually seen a watch like it before so I don't know how/why my brain came up with it but it was really pretty. It was like black stainless steel and the clasps had a small part that was silver (probably stainless steel), and there was silver on the face too. This picture is somewhat similar to what it looked like, only mine was even classier. I think it cost either $120 or $200 and they were going to give me a 20% discount. BUT alas, i am broke even in my dreams :( Next time ima dream up a first class bank account.
The moral of the story is, I can't seem to come up with creative things in real life (which really sucks since i'm an art major) but obviously the potential is there. somewhere.