Friday, October 11, 2013

The High Life Under the Sea

I really wish I could remember my dreams better and longer than I do these days. Am I the only one who tries to go back to sleep after a really cool dream hoping I can continue the dream? Of course it never actually happens though.  Anyway, last night I had a new one that I have actually remembered somewhat.

I had been hiding in my parent's neighbor's basement because naturally I had been hiding from some total psycho trying to get at me while I was in the the house I grew up in.  I'm pretty sure this is where the new/cool dream began.  I think I found a hidden elevator in the floor of the basement. It went down into some open underground tunnels and I remember hitting waves of water a few times.

I found myself in a house with an inch or two of water on the floor. I realized it was because the house was completely submerged under water, and because of the pressure because it was so deep under the water that you wouldn't be able to get rid of that layer of floor water (I don't know if that actually makes any sense in the real world haha). At some point I found out we (I have no idea who was even with me) were 3,000 miles? under water. I'm pretty sure I started to think about all the pressure that was on the house and thought about how one false move and all that weight of the water could crush us.

After a while we got in the elevator and went up to a higher point of this ocean we were in and we met up with family and had a little reunion/lunch in a cave that somehow had a big pocket of air in the entire cave. I wish I could remember the details of the lunch. I'm pretty sure I was asked to pray twice. Once as an opening prayer for the activity and then like 2 minutes later before we ate.

I got in the elevator again, which I think now was more like a train. I wish I could explain the tunnels and the way we crashed through patches of waves of water.

We came to a new place where there was just a stairwell and a door. There was a girl who got out here with me. I think it was Lauren Conrad lol. She was escorted straight to the door and I snuck around to the door by walking up the stairs. This place was like an exclusive resort. Everything looked really nice and classy. We were in a big open reception area where there were huge windows and lawn chairs by pools outside the windows (I guess there must have been more random air pockets out there haha). There was a large staircase to the left of a reception desk. As we were walking up the stairs I looked at the girl at the reception desk and it was my older sister! I waved to her and smiled but she just looked at me kind of snobby like I was just some weird stranger. Ok..... I guess my sister just had a look-a-like.

After we got to the top of the stairs we walked down a hallway and opened a door into a small room. The ceiling was fairly low and there was just a bed. This was Lauren's room. She was going to be a servant/maid. There was a small window/door that opened out into a small courtyard with a pool. The man who was showing us the room told us how old it was. I think this place belonged to his family for years, and there were antique little details, like the doorknobs and I think there was a sink in the room too with antique parts. I found an old rococo style pink flowered tea-length dress and tried it on. It looked so cute on me! haha

I started to realize there was a whole people I never knew existed who had lived under the sea for years. They weren't mermaids, they were just people no one had really realized existed. It was pretty awesome!

Monday, February 18, 2013

A Disappointing Wedding

So I had another wedding dream this past week. I was at the house I grew up in and about to get married, although I don't even remember there being a groom involved in all this now that I think about it. Haha whatever. Anyway my mom brought me home my "wedding bouquet" from the grocery store *woop woop.* The flowers were red and somewhat droopy, not really wilted, just not tall and perky, ya know? There weren't even very many of them either. Not enough of them or sturdy enough to stand up like a normal wedding bouquet. I'm talking like seven of them. So they were bolstered up at the base by tamales. Yes tamales. I was a little disappointed that my wedding was going to be kiiiiinda white trash. I mean, my little sister had a pretty nice wedding a couple years ago and here I am getting getting married being years older than her, in an old living room with droopy tamale-reinforced grocery store flowers? I debated continuing with the wedding or going for a re-do in a few years. LAME. Who even thinks that?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pops Went Crazy

Well it's been almost a year exactly since my last post. That doesn't mean I haven't had crazy wacko dreams like usual. I just haven't taken the time to write them down. But last night was a doosie. The first one involved getting stuck at school and someone trying to gas me in some weird garage thing, but I only remember snippets of that one. And there was some dumb new system where you had to scan your student ID to get into the student center. That was a pain in the A. Especially when I left my wallet INSIDE the building and needed to get back in. Anyhow, onto the more...interesting dream:

I was hanging out at home (at the house I grew up in) with my little sister, and I think I knew my dad went crazy and wanted to kill us or something. The doorbell rang and i was laying on the floor near the door. My sister answered the door, and somehow I could tell what was about to happen. My sister was about to get shot in the head by some guy my dad had hired to kill us. I only had a second before it happened and I realized I would have to break my sister's fall once she was shot (since I was on the floor behind her), and hopefully the killer wouldn't even see me.

So, that happened. And the killer left. I saw the bullet had grazed my sister's right temple, so she was still alive at least. I tried to call 911 but my brain was all sorts of panicked and I kept messing the numbers up. Then I realized the killer was back. I saw his car in the driveway and finally got through to 911. I told them my sister had been shot and tried to read the license plate # from the killer's car without him seeing me. As he came to the door again I finished reading off the plate#. The dispatcher started saying something like, alright homie, got it. And I said, "Excuse me?? Thats not very professional..." I knew it was the killer. He somehow made my call forward to him. I was talking to the killer and he was right outside my door. He knew where I was, and he was coming in to kill me. I ran to the back door of the house. My little sister had got in our car with my mom and they were both hiding inside. I think they were waiting for me so we could all get away. I was crouched by the back door waiting for the right time to get out (I think there was a female accomplice outside too). I kept trying to call 911 or my older sister to see if she could call someone for help but that tricky killer dude was way too smart and had managed to make all my outgoing calls forward to him. I heard the killer getting close to where I was hiding and knew I had to make a run for it. It was now or never. So I unlocked the door and as I was just getting through the door I saw who was in the house. It was my dad. I think I got away, but this is where the dream got fuzzyish. I think I panicked and forced myself to wake up.

P.S. My dad is awesome and would never do this in real life.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

spitting games

soo the other night i woke up to spit. yeah.

I had a dream that I was playing a little game on the tennis courts at the park in my hometown. There was a ball a little bigger than the size of a large grapefruit with clues on it and you had to try to read the clues but everyone else was trying to figure out the answer first too so they tried hitting the ball away from you whenever you got it. The answer to the clues turned out to be: cat and dog food from China. at the end of the game there was some sitting out as an example. But the dog food was a big bag. and for some reason my uncle Brandon decided to make me eat it. I mean, he poured the entire bag in my mouth. I got most of it out of my mouth just by pushing it out with my tongue, but that didn't get it all so I started spitting. yeahhh. so I woke up to spit on myself and my sheets. SO super. :)

Friday, January 21, 2011

boys boys boys

ok i'm going to write about this one even though it's going to be out of order (since i dreamed it like a week-ish ago). Apparently I've had boys on my mind or something. I dreamed about four in one night.

Let's start with the shortest/most boring one (not that this person is boring in real life, theres just not much of a story here). I saw an old friend I haven't seen in years. He had fattened up quite a bit. Thats all I really remember, that I noticed he'd chunked up. hehe

Second, I dreamed that I was my little brother's basketball coach. He was about 6 or 7ish in this dream and freaking adorable. Man, he was a cute little chum.

Thirdly, I dreamed about a friend who's in most of my classes at school. I'd just been telling him the day before that I can fly in my dreams. So... in this dream we were in a gym or cafeteria at a school and were dancing and then started flying as we were dancing. it was real magical hahah

Lastly, but not leastly (believe me, I know that's not a word), right after the dancing I was sitting by another boy I know who is more of a friend-of-a-friend. We were chatting it up and I asked him if he wanted to be my boyfriend for the day. He was like, 'ok yeah.' sooo... i had a boyfriend for the day i guess. score!

Wow that's probably the least descriptive i've ever been when writing about my dreams. Meh, whatevs.

my subconscious is clever

man i wish my conscious brain was as creative as my subconscious brain. Two nights ago i had this awesome dream where i was looking at the shape of my eyebrows and as I zoomed in the image of my eyebrow was made up of trees, and the surrounding area was an awesome landscape. I started exploring and discovered the most beautiful landscape scene I have ever seen. There was a field of tall bright colored flowers surrounded by thick tall grass and beyond the grass high, lean trees stretching up to the sky and a gorgeous green mountain behind all of that. wow I wish my description did it justice but it really can't. Of course I had my camera with me and started taking pictures. Too bad they aren't really on my camera right now. That would be sa-weet!

Then last night I had a dream (after some other weirder, shorter more random dreams) I was in a department store and found this really classy watch. I mean it's not like I've actually seen a watch like it before so I don't know how/why my brain came up with it but it was really pretty. It was like black stainless steel and the clasps had a small part that was silver (probably stainless steel), and there was silver on the face too. This picture is somewhat similar to what it looked like, only mine was even classier. I think it cost either $120 or $200 and they were going to give me a 20% discount. BUT alas, i am broke even in my dreams :( Next time ima dream up a first class bank account.
The moral of the story is, I can't seem to come up with creative things in real life (which really sucks since i'm an art major) but obviously the potential is there. somewhere.

Monday, December 14, 2009

Schizophrenic Inmate on Death Row

Well I just had yet another dying dream. I was one of many female death row inmates experiencing my last few hours of life, each of us being lined up in the doorway of our own little wooden cell in a big barn-like building. We weren't already in this building so they brought each of us into our cells one by one. I was one of the first. I was facing out my doorway toward the open room and to my left my cell neighbor was a frizzy-haired blonde. They brought her in pretty soon after me. She was a happily evil murderer. We were getting along pretty well. I guess I was pretty evil too. My neighbor to the right was freaking crazy. I bet she killed some people too. They chained our hands together and tied the chains above our door so our arms were straight above our heads.

Here's why I think I was schizo (I may have just turned into my super crazy neighbor to the right for a second though)- I heard these two small people talking to me. They were above my head telling me they were trying to take the chains off but the bowl was really heavy (the chains were attached to a big metal bowl-like thing). The little people talking to me were like ghost children, but I knew they were there and they were really talking to me. uhhhh... WEIRD.

Anyway, so as the rest of the cells were being filled I was chatting it up with my neighbors, mostly the evil frizz-head. When they finished filling the cells I barely noticed since I was talking but the person in charge stood toward the corner of the room with a couple of rifles.

We were now facing the insides of our cells and were down on our knees. I don't remember what I was saying but as I was talking I heard evil frizz-head get shot first. I was mid-sentence when I was shot in the back of the head. My head got really heavy and everything went black as I fell forward. My face landed on my arms (which I now realize is weird since they were chained to the wall above my head earlier) and I tried to open my eyes but I couldn't and I started to feel a little panicked. I knew I was dead or very close to it.