Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Pops Went Crazy

Well it's been almost a year exactly since my last post. That doesn't mean I haven't had crazy wacko dreams like usual. I just haven't taken the time to write them down. But last night was a doosie. The first one involved getting stuck at school and someone trying to gas me in some weird garage thing, but I only remember snippets of that one. And there was some dumb new system where you had to scan your student ID to get into the student center. That was a pain in the A. Especially when I left my wallet INSIDE the building and needed to get back in. Anyhow, onto the more...interesting dream:

I was hanging out at home (at the house I grew up in) with my little sister, and I think I knew my dad went crazy and wanted to kill us or something. The doorbell rang and i was laying on the floor near the door. My sister answered the door, and somehow I could tell what was about to happen. My sister was about to get shot in the head by some guy my dad had hired to kill us. I only had a second before it happened and I realized I would have to break my sister's fall once she was shot (since I was on the floor behind her), and hopefully the killer wouldn't even see me.

So, that happened. And the killer left. I saw the bullet had grazed my sister's right temple, so she was still alive at least. I tried to call 911 but my brain was all sorts of panicked and I kept messing the numbers up. Then I realized the killer was back. I saw his car in the driveway and finally got through to 911. I told them my sister had been shot and tried to read the license plate # from the killer's car without him seeing me. As he came to the door again I finished reading off the plate#. The dispatcher started saying something like, alright homie, got it. And I said, "Excuse me?? Thats not very professional..." I knew it was the killer. He somehow made my call forward to him. I was talking to the killer and he was right outside my door. He knew where I was, and he was coming in to kill me. I ran to the back door of the house. My little sister had got in our car with my mom and they were both hiding inside. I think they were waiting for me so we could all get away. I was crouched by the back door waiting for the right time to get out (I think there was a female accomplice outside too). I kept trying to call 911 or my older sister to see if she could call someone for help but that tricky killer dude was way too smart and had managed to make all my outgoing calls forward to him. I heard the killer getting close to where I was hiding and knew I had to make a run for it. It was now or never. So I unlocked the door and as I was just getting through the door I saw who was in the house. It was my dad. I think I got away, but this is where the dream got fuzzyish. I think I panicked and forced myself to wake up.

P.S. My dad is awesome and would never do this in real life.