Saturday, February 26, 2011

spitting games

soo the other night i woke up to spit. yeah.

I had a dream that I was playing a little game on the tennis courts at the park in my hometown. There was a ball a little bigger than the size of a large grapefruit with clues on it and you had to try to read the clues but everyone else was trying to figure out the answer first too so they tried hitting the ball away from you whenever you got it. The answer to the clues turned out to be: cat and dog food from China. at the end of the game there was some sitting out as an example. But the dog food was a big bag. and for some reason my uncle Brandon decided to make me eat it. I mean, he poured the entire bag in my mouth. I got most of it out of my mouth just by pushing it out with my tongue, but that didn't get it all so I started spitting. yeahhh. so I woke up to spit on myself and my sheets. SO super. :)