Thursday, July 9, 2009

Ok so last night I had a few dreams that I know of. I remember the last 2. The first of those 2, starting from where I can remember, began with me riding in a train or something with two of the doctors I work for, Dr. B and Dr. P. haha. I went to my house and these drug lords were checkin me out for possible wife-age/concubine-age. I was a little freaked out to say the least. I remember contemplating which behavior would deter them from me. I believe I decided on wigging out.

The next dream took place in a cafeteria/movie theater. My friend, Angie, was trying her hand at this movie-candy slot machine. It cost $25 to play. She said, "I really want to play, but I can't. I just don't have money to be spending." So this random guy walks up and puts 25 bucks in the machine. She pulls the lever and BAM! One bag of candy! (I think it was a little bag of Nibs) Wahoo. Later I looked in the drawer where the candy collected and there were actually like 10 bags of different things- chips, m&m's/skittles and these tiny white Granny B cookies I always get on my vending machine vacas with Whitney. Anyway, Angie told me I could take a couple so I did (and of course one of my choices was the little white cookies). The movie started and this is the first time I can think of that I remember there being music in my dream. The music started and I didn't actually see what was on the screen but it was an old-ish black and white movie (I don't know how I knew but I did). So Danny P is also there and some other peeps I know and we're all just chillin on the cafeteria seats and the music is playing and a few of us just start waving our arms vigorously like we're conducting, just to be silly I guess.

So this is the point where I woke up. It was a random little dream, but the thing is when I woke up I could still remember the music and I KNEW that I knew that song from somewhere. I figured it must have been from some movie I'd seen so I was racking my brain. I didn't want to start working or anything until I could remember so I wouldn't forget what it sounded like. It took me about 5 minutes but when the thought crossed my mind I KNEW what it was. You can listen/watch here: The part that was in my dream starts @ 6:07. Good movie intro music, right? Man, my brain is good!
Um, ok. So I've decided to make a blog of my awesome dreams because, lets face it, they are quite legendary. However, I realized that the really great dreams don't come along that often so I may not keep up with this blog if I only use it to document the dreamage so I guess I'll just pepper in the stories of my unconscious little adventures along with the rest of whatever I happen to blog about. Good plan? I guess we'll see...